Olympic 7s: Five girls to watch in Rio

Charlotte Caslick Position: Back Born: Brisbane, Queensland DOB: 9 March 1995 (age 21) Debut: Amsterdam, Netherlands (May 2013) Caps: 16 World Series caps SWS Career Points: 190 (38T) 2015-16 SWS Points: 40 (9T) 21-year old scrumhalf Charlotte Caslick has been one of Australia’s best on the World Series and was named in the World Rugby Dream Team in 2015 and 2016. Caslick played for the Australian Touch Football team before switching to rugby. Ellia Green
 Position: Back Born: Suva, Fiji DOB: 20 February 1993 Debut: Houston, USA (February 2013) Caps: 15 World Series caps SWS Career Points: 315 (63T) 2015-16 SWS Points: 95 (19T) Ellia Green never wanted to play rugby. In 2012, the Fijian-born former sprinter was dragged by her cousin to an ARU talent identification camp and the rest was history. Green scored 19 tries for Australia in the 2015/16 World Series and will be looking to continue her try-scoring ways in Rio. Shannon Parry Position: Forward Born: Brisban
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