Could an ANZAC FA Cup style tournament be the answer for Australian rugby?
By Sam Ryan
A few years back, SANZAR and the ARU were looking for a way to generate more revenue ahead of their upcoming broadcast negotiations. To increase revenue, they needed more TV content, so they added more teams to the Super Rugby competition, then more again, then more again.
After years of planning, we ended up with an 18 team, four-conference tournament that few understood and even less enjoyed.
Yes, there were more matches than ever before, but many of them felt meaningless, others occurred in the middle of the night and some of them were barely contests at all.
By the end of the 2016 season, even the most passionate Australian rugby supporters were struggling to get excited about Super Rugby. The poor performances of the Australian sides played a part in that, but it seemed the competition had lost most of us.
This can be easily fixed by reducing the size of the competition.
Australia cannot support five competitive teams, nor South Africa six and although Japan and