Australian Schoolboys teams: 1983-1993

We continue our look back at past Australian Schoolboys teams ahead of the announcement of the 2016 team on Saturday. 1983 Mark Brough, Peter Cinelli, Richard Crowe, David Cruickshank, Sean Czinner, Richard Dowsett, Sean Flanagan, David Hagan, Anthony Herbert, Franco Lagudi, Guy McLaren, Andrew Parr, Stephen Partridge, John Pead, Brad Pillinger, John Pilton, Gary Quick, Robert Renete, Darren Riley, Brian Smith, Paul Thompson, Ildo Tomasiello, Andrew Vincz. 1984 Stephen Antonelli, Andrew Blades, Josh Carmody, Jack Dempsey, Anthony Dempsey, Cameron Douglas, Anthony Grigson, Murray Harley, Tony Hayes, Paul Healy, Steven Hickey, Ian Humphris, Mark Malloy, Guy McLaren, Mark Patterson, David Ross, Andrew Rowntree, Ricky Stuart, Scott Taylor, Glen Taylor, Allan Warby, Jason Woodward. 1985 Robert Charles, Michael Crawford, Bruce Davies, David Dix, Michael Foley, Darren Free, Albert Fulavi, Matthew Furrer, Warwick Giddey, Scott Gourley, Craig Harley, Scott Harris, Matthew Hood, Paul Kahl
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