New look Australian squad named for London 7s

Australian Men's Sevens excitement machine Pama Fou will make his return to the World Series after being named in Andy Friend's squad for the London Sevens this weekend. Twenty-five year old Fou is one of six changes for the two-day tournament at Twickenham with Allan Fa'alava'au, Stephan van der Walt, Sam Figg, Frank Winterstein and John Porch all linking up with the squad in England. Tom Lucas (knee), Nick Malouf (knee), Lewis Holland (ankle), Greg Jeloudev (foot), Tom Cusack (wrist) and Henry Speight (cheekbone) were not considered due to injury while Ed Jenkins, Cam Clark, Con Foley, James Stannard and Sam Myers are all rested. In Jenkins' absence, Pat McCutcheon will captain the team while Jesse Parahi retains his spot after impressing on his return to the World Series arena in Paris last weekend. "It's a big weekend for all of the players in this squad. It's the last opportunity for them to impress me on the World Series circuit before I select the squad for the Olympics," co
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