A grassroots perspective on the ARU’s strategic plan

By Brett Papworth Let me tell you a story. Back in about 2012, the ARU decided to conduct an audit of the premier clubs in Sydney and Brisbane. I can’t tell you why, but I suspect it was a way for them to justify the reduction in the grants previously given to our clubs. But of course they didn’t tell us that. They just sent the highly paid wise men to tell us what we didn’t have or didn’t do. To justify why we didn’t deserve their financial support any longer, and to be able to tick that box. Collectively, the three men would have been taking the best part of $700k in salaries out of the game, at a time when we at Eastwood were spending $500k in a whole season. So they sat in our crappy little board room, pulled out their spreadsheets, and proceeded to tell us what we didn’t have, or do. Full time coach? No, part time. Full time general manager? Ah, no, Part time. Colts programme? Head coach? Yeah, sort of. Strength and conditioning? Yeah, we’ve got a bloke who d
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