Matt Briggs To Co-Coach West Harbour in 2013

by Brendan Bradford - West Harbour have signed former Penrith Emus mentor Matt Briggs as first grade co-coach for 2013. Briggs, who was the Shute Shield coach of the year in 2010 at Penrith, will team up with Daniel Manu in what Club Head-Coach John Lomax says is one of the most talented and experienced combinations in the competition. "I'm getting two guys with strengths in different areas who also have the same game strategies," said Lomax. "They're going to be working together and making decisions together, so I'm just strengthening my coaching ranks. The big attributes Matt Briggs brings are his very strong communication skills, organisation and the big picture stuff and I say it could be the making of our club." After a three-year tenure at the foot of the mountains, Briggs is excited by the playing potential at West Har
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