How to stay rugby ready during coronavirus according to one of rugby’s top trainers
The coronavirus broke the hearts of grassroots rugby players right around the country.
While a handful of lower graders are still yet to officially start their preseason, the majority of guys and girls worked their tails off all through summer and were just days away from the start of matches when the season was officially postponed.
We still don’t know when rugby will return but there’s still a good chance that matches will be played in some form this season.
So what do you do between now and then?
Justin Lang is one of Sydney’s top sports exercise physiologists and runs Live Athletic, a high performance training centre in southern Sydney.
“Basically we offer a high performance program that allows amateur and aspiring athletes to train in a full time professional program that can covers anywhere from eight to 14 sessions a week,” Lang told Rugby News.
“Our mentality is that if everyone else is training professionally and you’re doing less than