Around the Traps: Country Champs & Junior State Cups take centre stage over June long weekend

All roads lead to Tamworth this weekend for the annual NSW Country Championships being staged at the home of two forms of music - country and western. Central West, Illawarra, Hunter, Central Coast, Far North Coast, Mid North Coast, Western Plains, Central North and New England will battle it out at Scully Park and the Tamworth Pirates fields for the silverware. The colts and women’s rep teams will also play throughout the weekend with the Caldwell Cup final being the culmination of what should be a cracker of a weekend. I’m hoping that they have shipped in enough beer and snacks to cope with the influx of a hungry and thirsty crew. All up 36 games of rugby will be played over the weekend and when you consider these will all need refs and touches and all the other bibs and bobs it’s a logistic nightmare that somehow gets done each year. Around The Traps is hearing that Central West look in pretty good shape to go back to back but Central Coast is not out of the pic
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