Around the Traps: Batger heading East to turn Beasties into premiership threat
It’s grand final week of the Shute Shield competition and the phone has been ringing hot with all the news and views from the greatest club competition in Australia. Here’s what we are hearing:
THE REACTION that Around The Traps got when news finally filtered out that Ben Batger was linking with Eastern Suburbs as head coach for the next two seasons was pretty understandable.
Many felt that the Beasties would be a contender at the sharp end of the Shute Shield competition with the guidance and cajoling of the passionate former Eastwood boss almost straight away.
He’ll certainly shake the place up with his style of coaching and hopefully give them an edge that has been missing over the past couple of seasons.
Batger will start his new role on October 5 after a short break and the farewells that needed to be done after a lifetime at TG Millner.