An achievable timeline for a safe and fair 2020 club rugby season
At Rugby News, we’re just as desperate to return to the footy field as the rest of you.
Obviously, the safety of the rugby community is the number one priority right now but as the situation slowly starts to improve in Australia, it seems like a good time to think about when we might all be able to safely return to the playing field.
Unlike our Mungo mates, rugby will more than likely show patience in the weeks and months ahead but that doesn’t mean we can’t and won’t play a rugby season at the end of all of this.
It’s important to remember that our premier rugby clubs are also businesses and like their professional counterparts, also spend the lion’s share of the annual budgets before the opening kick off in round one.
Most clubs then recoup that expenditure during the playing season and then prepare for the following year.
So at this stage the clubs, like a lot of small businesses are out of pocket and are looking for ways to improve their financi