2021 Shute Shield Season Review: Manly Marlins

By MARK CASHMAN The Manly Marlins 2021 Shute Shield season didn’t start that well with a significant loss to Gordon at Manly Oval and never really got out of first gear. Season ending injuries to key personnel didn’t help matters but by the time that the competition was called off there were a few green shoots coming through in the likes of backrower Hunter Ward. Coach Matt McGoldrick has handed the reins on to a familiar face in Phil Blake and as he says here the foundations of a revival, right across the club, are there if the work is done. All the numbers Played: Nine Won: Two Lost: Seven Points for: 191 Points Against: 343 Differential: -152 Bonus Points: Five Competition Points: 13 Position: 11th What was the best part of the 2021 journey? It would have to be seeing the younger players improve. Seeing week for week the hunger for the team to get better in the face of tough results. What was the worst part? Injuries again cruel

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