Scott Fuglistaller making the most of Melbourne opportunity
After making his debut for the Highlanders in 2012, flanker Scott Fuglistaller and his pregnant wife packed up everything and moved to Melbourne to pursue an opportunity with the Rebels. Rugby News caught up with the 28-year-old on the eve of his 50th Super Rugby game to find out if the gamble paid off
RUGBY NEWS: So you’ve been down in Melbourne for four years now. Do you feel like a local yet?
SCOTT FUGLISTALLER: Yeah Melbourne has treated me really well, myself, my wife and my sons have all really enjoyed living here. Obviously the Rebels gave me my first real opportunity to have a crack at one of the best competitions in the world and I’m really grateful for that. We love the city, love the people, the food and all the events so yeah, we are fairly settled here.
RN: You made your debut for the Highlanders before crossing the ditch. What initially attracted you to the Rebels?
SF: It wasn't too difficult a decision to be honest. I’ll be forever grateful to the Highl